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Art Anarchy: A Facebook Story


DfbrL8r Gallery

A piece by Regina Zehner and Marina Cortes 
Performed by Lniaagaurcual Di and Marina Cortes 
Art Anarchy: A Facebook story is a collaborative piece based on our shared interest on institutional critique, curatorial practice, erasure of academic artistic authority, the relevance of accessibility, interaction and collective participation in art, the dematerialization and deinstitutionalization of art, the reflection on what is art or what makes art valuable, as well as how the meaning and the significance of the content of art varies from different contexts, mediums and physical or virtual spaces. In our aim to physically dematerialize, deinstitutionalize and erase an academic authority, we explored social media as an interactive, inclusive, accessible, contemporary, virtual, international and democratic space for new forms of art making and alternative ways of communication and interaction. 
The idea is to entirely create and curate an exhibition (performance-based) only on Facebook, keeping the structure and process of traditional art openings, challenging the idea that art can take place in a non-physical space. We will create a Facebook event where we will give a brief description on the project, we will set up a time, but not the location. (We might take screenshots of the event page, print them and distribute them around physical locations, creating a dialogue between virtual and physical spaces) The promotion of the event page will take place before the event and will be recorded in physical material and will be incorporated into the process and final result of the piece.
We will use text, writing a Facebook post and quoting famous contemporary conceptual art statements (Example: Gillian Wearing "I'm desperate") The purpose is to analyze how the same content changes its significance in different contexts, mediums and how affects the interaction of the audience with the artwork. My friend from Ohio and I will make several posts, comment on each others' and create a discussion with other users that could freely express their opinions (Can Facebook discussions or posts be art?) Every user is encouraged to comment and interact with our Facebook posts (that will be public) The exploration and inclusion of image (memes) is still undecided. 
After the "exhibition", my collaborator and I will have a public live discussion on Facebook, where a videocamera will be recording on my Facebook life my "private" conversation with her, while she will be doing the same thing. That means that her Facebook life will be recording my image and mine hers. Every single user (either from her or my friend lists or any other public user) will have access to comment in our conversation, but every interaction must be virtual. The dichotomy between the private and the public and the intersection of those in social media is one of the most important points of this piece. Also the proposal of daily interactions being art, and the possibility of art making by anyone out of an academic or institutional context are our main goal.

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